I Delight In GIVING Love

Word 08 11-26 – day before Thanksgiving

My love is like charity.  I delight in GIVING love to my children, so they can give it to each other;  their love.  CHARITY is not a bad word but it shouldn’t be a sense of entitlement. Gratitude is the proper response to ME and to the receiving of charity, or love, from others.  But my children shouldn’t glory in the gratitude of others.  They should feel gratitude to be privileged to help others and help Me help others.  I must be the object of glory, not only because I only deserve it, but because only I can handle it, because I give it to the Son, and He gives it to me, and the Holy Spirit gives it to both of us.  We are submitted to each other in LOVE.  We don’t keep our Glory.

B.J. Harris November 26th, 2008 22:33

For brass I’ll give you gold

Tu StJ 08 11-11

For Iron I’ll give you silver- Gd has made us strong as iron in the fire, but strength can be arrogant and unbendable or submitted.  The refiner turns us into silver, the purity, holiness of Messiah.
For brass (Judgement) I’ll give you gold (purity)- Gd has made us like brass, shiny to reflect his person as the mirrors of Egypt which were given to make the brass laver for the Tabernacle. But the brass mirror also reflects our own flaws that distort His word and love. The refiner turns the brittle brass into soft gold of Mercy and Love.

Gold and silver are both pliable, moldable, able to be formed by the jeweler’s hammer

B.J. Harris November 11th, 2008 17:04

Make a highway and I will come

Word at SEAC West 11-14-06

The L-rd says make a highway and I will come.  A highway of worship and prayer.  Open the heavens with your praise and He will bring revival.  He needs us to spend time with Him.  Seek the Light, since He is the ONLY Light.  Turn off the other lights-the TV, the radio or any other distractions.  He needs us to spend our time with Him if we want to see Him come.  We are bought with a price.  We are His.  He needs us to spend HIS time with Him.

Isa 26:20-21- open the gates, enter the chambers and shut the doors.